Hoover Class of 1988 & 1989 20 Year Reunion
Les Wong
Classmate Comments
Speaking as one who once bled Dartmouth green and roamed the halls with hubris and boisterous folly, I take this decidedly rare opportunity to send my best wishes to you all. I left Fresno for college at UC Davis and joined the ranks of ex-Pat expats destined only sporadically to return to the hallowed fig orchards of our youth or drive down the golden avenue of yesteryore (e.g. Blackstone). I became a physician, as once not-so-subtly prophesized on the back of my letterman's jacket. After medical school at the University of Texas I did my training and fellowship at the University of North Carolina. My wife Shannon and I were married my intern year (note: the erstwhile K. Scambray requests and is granted due credit for this) and our two boys were born in Chapel Hill. We moved to Seattle in 2004, where our daughter was born. By day I work downtown as a nephrologist (kidney and hypertension specialist) and direct one largest home dialysis programs in the U.S. At night I watch old Yogi Bear and Hong Kong Phooey episodes on You Tube with my children. When I'm not too tired I'll dance frenetically with my kids to my old Clash and Beastie Boys CD's. My wife is the president of a local private preschool (in the hypervigilant/hyperinvolved suburb we live in) which keeps her busy dealing with worried, environmentally-conscious parents. She reminds me that while I am not as "cool" as I was in high school, that she still loves me and I guess that's all that really matters in the end.
Thanks for sharing your experiences and I wish you all a wonderful reunion. GO PATES!
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